> GIA | Online - SEAT REQUEST 23F
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Enter your contact information below and select the GIA Lab Class or Classes you would like to apply for a seat in. 

Please note both classes will be held at the Cobb Galleria Centre, Room 103. 

GIA Colored Stone Grading Lab Class 
Tuesday-Thursday, August 22-24, 2023 
9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. 
Check Price = $1,729.   Credit Card Price = $1,779

GIA Pearl Grading Lab Class
riday, August 25, 2023       
9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
Check Price = $586. Credit Card Price = $610


Contact Judy Lince at jlince@atlantajewelryshow.com or call (678) 384-9102.

Lab Capacity: 15 seats available in each lab class

Are you representing a Company? Complete this field with your Company Name. Or, if you are doing business as an Individual, then leave this field blank.

Aw Snap! Trouble submitting your form?  

Call Judy Lince at (678) 384-9102 or email jlince@atlantajeweryshow.com. 

Submission Received!  

Thank you for submitting your GIA Seat Request. 

Important Notes:

  • Please note that (15) limited seats are available. 
  • Submitting this request does NOT confirm your seat. 
  • Judy Lince has received your request and will contact you with further details.

If you would like to contact Judy, you may email her at jlince@atlantajewelryshow.com.